Short Course GSA 2013
Simultaneous isotopic (e.g., U/Th-Pb) and elemental analysis of minerals by laser ablation split-stream ICP mass spectrometry (LASS) is the latest tool for addressing tectonic & petrologic questions. This course will introduce the types of isotopic and elemental analyses that are possible and show how in situ analyses of accessory minerals in thin section can be applied to quantify igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary processes. This practical course is aimed at faculty members, researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students who are interested in learning more about the state-of-the-art in petrochronologic research.
Course preparation
Please download three pieces of software:
1. Igor Pro (operating environment for Iolite). Trial copy, free of charge here
2. Iolite (plugin within Igor Pro). Iolite, written by the Melbourne Isotope and trace element group, can be downloaded here .
3. Isoplot (addin for Excel) available from the Berkeley Geochronology Center here.
Using Laser Ablation Split Stream (LASS) Geochronology and Petrochronology to Address Tectonic and Petrologic Questions